May 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I remember buying my first tv series on DVD when I was 12 and relishing in the fact I didn't have to watch ads or wait for one episode a week. Now I get annoyed when a streaming service only releases half a season and I have to a wait a couple of weeks for the next part 😂

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Ministry of Time!

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I absolutely found a way to own all the Gilmore girls and Veronica mars seasons on dvd 😂 good times!!

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May 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I love Evil! We just finished the third season on Prime last night, but we don't have paramount so we'll have to wait for the last season to show up on one of our streaming channels. I'll have to live with my theories until then.

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They are only releasing one episode a week so you might be better off waiting and bingeing 😃 it’s so good!!

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May 26Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Congrats on surviving commencement season! After eight years of them, I still get itchy this time of year thinking about how stressful they are 😂

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Thank you! It was so much work but also so lovely and I cried a little every time they do the group thanks to the family and friends 😭 so emo haha

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May 25Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I've heard so many good things about The Ministry of Time!

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It’s so charming!! And interesting

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May 24Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Comfy kitty! Getting so big 🥹.

I finished Monsters by Claire Dederer. It was interesting- heady and philosophical. She went on a little too long about mothering for my tastes, but otherwise very well done. Currently reading Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir. Or should I say “meh-moir.” 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Did Monsters make you feel any different about how you engage with art made by bad people?

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May 24Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Sort of? I can say more but I don’t want to spoil anything

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May 24Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I loved your personal essay. It was beautiful and tender, twinged with sorrow and longing. My favorite kind.

Ahhh...Calvin and Hobbes. We had ALL the books and I would read them over and over. They brought a particular feeling of satisfaction and complete joy when I would finish them. A feeling of nothing in the world could ever be that bad as long as those two existed and you could witness all of their adventures.

Kitty! Those outstretched arms! I love the look of relaxation and paradise that is always plastered on their faces. I love how happy they are.

Hope you get some much needed relaxation after graduation season! 💕

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Thank you friend!! Calvin and Hobbes is so special, you nailed it. They are currently stored in the garage so I think I need to get one out and have a happy moment.. 🌞

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