Sep 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

‘Ready for the yapping’ is the perfect way to describe GG lmao I love that haha

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Sep 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

AND if I could take one class on any topic it would be art history or some sociology modules on the relationship that class has with confidence and how accurately people perceive themselves bc I will forever not be fascinated by that. Don’t wish to take any more history or politics modules bc I did them all to death :) - except maybe id pick up a module on the history of genocides because my friend did one and I felt I missed out !

I feel like this has summed me up. God

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history of genocides now that's true commitment to eyes wide open

and what an interesting idea, how accurately people perceive themselves...i wonder if that would make me more or less sympathetic, or just more neurotic. I didn't take enough social sciences in college that is one thing I wish I could have done more of - I for sure took way too many history classes as I minored in American History (ugh haha)

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Sep 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Apologies for double-posting but forget to suggest Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis for your next read. Perfect anecdote to Stoner—a pretty funny campus novel. Warning—it is from the 1950s, so it may feel too antiquated for younger readers.

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I am very fond of older novels lately so I am not scared to tackle! great suggestion thank you :)

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Sep 27Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Fascinated by your take on Stoner. I too love that novel, and found it not the least bit dark but very inspiring thanks to the heroic main character. He is a character forever part of my life, and if I can tell myself what he was able to tell himself on his death bed I’ll know I lived a worthwhile life. Wonderful how differently it strikes us—the magic of novels and their readers.

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I honestly thought it was the most depressing thing I had ever read for the first third of the book. Something changed in Stoner at about that time though and kept me invested in seeing this man through. I JUST finished the novel so I need more time to sit with it before making a final assessment I think, as I do with most excellent novels :)

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'The Historian' is one of my all-time favorite books — the travelogue-y bits are awesome, and I love that the heroes are all super nerds. They solve problems by being smart and using books. Brilliant. The audio is fantastic, if that's your thing.

I read 'Special Topics in Calamity Physics' shortly after it was published. Found a used copy in Green Apple Books in San Francisco and was won over because the pages crinkled just right. Loved the book then. I'm kind of scared to read it again in case it doesn't hit the same way.

Have you read 'Plain Bad Heroines'? You must have...

If I could take a class, it would be on book preservation and repair. Or... at least, that's what I'd pick today.

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ahh that makes me so excited to read it!!

and I havent gone back to read it again either, I dont often do rereads so I survive on my memories of it. I truly hope it would still hold up today

and I havent read Plain Bad Heroines 🙈I think I read a really negative review and let it put me off it. did you read it?? was it worth it??

book preservation and repair would be so fun to take!!

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I saw someone post this week about The Secret History and they were basically like “what was the point?” And I thought “I need you to find Natalie right now” but then as usual I got distracted so I hope that woman finds you soon!

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So glad you loved Stoner! Dark, yes, though not in your usual spooky way. I just loved the writing.

I may be alone on this island, but I gave up on Possession. I found it insufferable and I was bored.

Fun fact: my husband was the drummer in goth/country band called Ninth House. His brother was the singer. They described their sound as “cemetery and western”. ☠️🤠

If you have Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2lEXY9I1Q9jMbmFRdaN1lh?si=lmvuqbthTeuC_xbiQt7Uow

Check out their cover of The Psychedelic Furs’ The Ghost In You, which I like better than the original (yes, I’m biased).

Fun college fact: I went to college with Stephen King’s two sons. My college boyfriend was friends with Joe King (the older one, who writes under the pen name Joe Hill) and we once went lawnmower shopping with him. He looked exactly like his father!

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Ha, thanks! I know you spooky/creepy lovers dig this kind of content 🧟‍♂️

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1) Possession by A.S. Byatt is sooo excellent, just seeing the name makes me want to read it. A book made for people who overly identify as former English majors (me)

2) Have you read Vladmir by Julia May Jonas? A ""campus"" novel and not 'dark academia' but it's truly a quick, wild ride.

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Also came here to say Vladimir.

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The Secret History is the ultimate campus novel for me.

Immediately added American Supernatural Tales to my TBR. 😍 That black cat cover tugged on my heart strings! Extra love for the Ron Burgundy gif.

I read the synopsis for Stoner, it sounds SO SAD and depressing. I trust you though. Maybe I'll leave that for the spring.

After reminiscing about The Brothers Karamazov, I started reading it again. I don't know how long I'll last because it is spooky season, it seems more like a November book. I'll probably put it down and keep it on ice until after Halloween. (It's SO GOOD and it's been interesting to read it as a full fledged adult with more wisdom and experience.) I REALLY want to give Bunny a try.

The kitty's orange colored paw 😭 I LOVE MINNIE!

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Loved Babel and enjoyed If We Were Villains

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I liked “Kill All Your Darlings” by David Bell. It’s a pretty good mystery.

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I wasn’t too sure about if we were villains either! But I am looking forward to reading bunny this fall

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