It’s been a long time since I read King, I think Joyland was my last from him— I’m hoping to read Salem’s Lot next!

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I love the cover of Joyland!!

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Oct 15Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

You know, I never read King.. Even though I love the majority of the film adaptations made. I will definitely get on the first-timer recommendations!!

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if you love his adaptations you will love his books !

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Oct 14Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Dang, Natalie, this was a great issue, thank you! Reminds me I really do need to finally take the plunge and read It. I am not a horror guy at all, but there's something about King that can just draw me in. First one I read was The Shining, sometime in the 80's when I was trying to figure out why so many people liked to read King. I remember it as being very redable, sucked me right in, but never scared me. So I sort of shrugged and moved on. But I often noted new Kings coming out and thinking this or that sounded interesting. FInally read The Stand on someone's recommendation and even though I rolled my eyes at the supernatural parts, I loved the character and world building. I loved Under the Dome. I loved 11/22/63. I've read a few more but not a ton, and always have some on my radar and on my extended TBR pile. I'd never want to read a Peter Straub or Clive Barker, but seems I'm often keen to pick up King.

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Neil you nailed it! There is just something about King that keeps us coming back (his wild plots probably!). I kept thinking for a while I wasn't a huge King fan and then here I am reading at least one per year. Thanks for reading 😄

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Oct 13Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

King is the King… that’s just how I feel about it in my soul

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I love The Shining and Salem’s Lot - even with multiple rereading they are still terrifying. I love how you say he “licks under your skin” because that is exactly it. Big fan of his Dark Tower series, too.

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Ok gotta get to the dark tower series!! There’s just so much King to read

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Oct 13Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I want to tell you I savor your letters. Like, save them for Sunday am with coffee, that's how much I enjoy them.

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Sara. Bless you that is the kindest most heart filling comment. I needed that 🖤 I hope to keep bringing the good stuff every week ☺️

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Oct 12Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Excellent essay on King! You got it right, it's his clear writing that conjures an exact image. I've always thought he has an almost conversational tone. Have you read Danse Macabre, his look at the horror genre?

I'm currently reading The Spite House by Johnny Compton, a haunted house story set in Texas.

Now I'm going to check the distance between Phoenix and Ojai 😃

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Thank you!! And I haven’t read Danse yet but sounds like a good one. I love haunted house stories haven’t read that one either. Phoenix to Ojai isn’t THAT bad…. 😃

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Oct 12Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I recently got The Historian at a used bookstore but am waiting to dive in-- it's a commitment! But I feel like it must be read in the fall/winter... And that outdoor bookstore sounds soooo dreamy!

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It truly was so lovely !! And the historian is a commitment but it feels like the kind I want and want to never end

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Oct 12Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I’m pretty sure I commented something along the same lines last year…that I have never read King! Maybe one day. But I appreciate the love you have for him. On another note - I love the new books pic!! Especially eager to hear what you think of The Decagon House Murders bc I think I’d like to read that too!!! Also flights is interesting- I have always avoided bc people have said some critical things about it. But, you might love it!

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If King hasn’t called to you yet it might just not be for you. He’s very acquired taste… and yes I thought of you so many times through our roadtrip including picking up Enter Ghost AND driving through the Salinas Valley thinking only of East of Eden!!

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Oct 12Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

My heart on this post is for you not for King. I just can’t with most of it but did like Carrie and The Shining as a movie. I think On Writing is the only book of his I have actually read and I agree it is good. He certainly knows what to do but it’s just not for me!

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Hahaha point taken!!! Scary is not for everyone.

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Oct 13Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Yes I have realized I like creepy more than scary. And Classic scary is okay for me too. But contemporary commercial scary is not for me!

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Oct 12Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

11/22/63 is a fucking fantastic book. Bump that one up on your TBR.

I finished Station Eleven. A solid story. But I feel about ESJM the way I feel about Kristin Hannah: good storytellers, but not literary greats. I’m reading Trust by Hernan Diaz right now.

Baldy and I did a three-week cross country road trip for our honeymoon, visiting mainly national parks from the Midwest out to the West. There’s no greater feeling of romance and freedom than ditching your job that long and hitting the open road with your new spouse. The possibilities of life felt endless!

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my heart hurts re: station eleven but that’s ok I’ve been revived by a hard kombucha and some cookies. I haven’t been able to get through a KH book yet. I hope Trust redeems it!

I will absolutely on 11/22/63 - I can do one chunky king a year so maybe this November…

And I love that - there is so much to explore even in my own state it’s so nice to have a travel partner 😊

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Oct 13Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I was hesitant to break my Station Eleven news to you, but it felt dishonest not to. Have you read Trust? I didn’t realize (until last night when I took to Google to find out if it was based on a real character) that it won the Pulitzer the same year as Demon Copperhead (which I seriously need to get on next).

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Thank you for not lying to me I know it was hard 😂. I did read trust! I liked it, thought it very innovative, struggled with part 3, but was a top read of that year I believe? One of those very good books that’s good on reflection but not super emotionally invested in it

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This was fun to read! I love Stephen King, Pet Sematary was my first King and I read it when I was 16 and it terrified me- and I loved it so much. Over 30 years later I still treasure that reading experience. The Mr Mercedes trilogy are some of my very favorite reads by him, he creates the best, most chilling psychopaths.

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Mr Mercedes is top of the list!! I love that memory it’s so wild how our childhood experiences can stay with us life long

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Oct 11Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

One percent weirder every day, I absolutely love that! Think I found my new years resolution.

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Oct 11Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Oh also despite its problems I still absolutely adore Green Mile and think it's one of Kings most underrated. The adaptation is phenomenal too.

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I have consistently avoided any prison related books and shows as much as possible because it scares me more than most anything else but I should give it a try, it is a classic!!

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1. Bart's Books in Ojai is truly a magical place, yes.

2. You left out King's magnum opus, The Dark Tower series. It's not just sci-fi fantasy, it's solid gold literary fiction, right up until...the very end. LOL. Maybe that's why you left it out. :D

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i left it out because I havent read it!!! even though I do own book one. It just hasnt called to me but sounds like that is a huge mistake

and Bart's really is so magical 🪄

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Oh no, you hv to read it. It really is his best work. Promise. :)

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Oct 11Liked by Natalie McGlocklin


You know I love SK.

I watched his film adaptations before I started reading his novels at age 8 with my siblings. I have the coziest memories of camping out in one of our bedrooms. Our mom would make us snacks, and we would take turns reading. When I think of Stephen King, I think of joy, warmth, and comfort. I know that probably sounds wild to others, but he was a huge staple of my childhood and continues to be to this very day. Nothing is cozier to me than curling up with a King book under the covers, preferably with rain spattering against the windows, a hot drink, and some snacks. Paradise!!!

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you have just transported me I must go now King blankets and popcorn are calling......!!!

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Oct 11Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Also you and Mark are so adorable. I’m so glad you were having so much fun you didn’t get many pics!

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thank you 😊😊😊these were the ones Mark reminded me to take lol

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Just going to go bullet points cause I have so many thoughts!

1) On Writing is recommended by just about every professional author I know, and even though I had read it prior to my MFA, most of my professors required it for their students.

2) If you're looking for a shorter (lighter) King, Elevation is a quick and sweet novella

3) King is a New England legend (I have friends and family who have roadtripped to visit his house in Maine) and my favorite thing is readers figuring out that half of the time he's not making shit up and just describing how bizarro New England is. 10/10

4) I read The Year of the Witching (from your haul) last year. It was pretty good but the first 25% was SLOW. Once it got moving it moved, though. There's supposed to be a sequel, but I'm not sure when (or if) it will come out.

Anyways yay bookstores and travels and mugs!

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I instantly thought of you with my mug!!!!!!

i would love to do a little King sightseeing in New England, thats amazing lol

Elevation - i will add it to the list!!!

I feel like a lot of the newer witchy books are hard to get into so i will keep that in mind

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Yassss the gospel of the mugs lives on!!

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