Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I love how thoughtful you are being with building your TBR and sussing out what you do/don't like. So valuable!

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Thank you Michelle! I’m on a real self discovery journey here 🙂

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Jun 29Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Such an engaging post for every book lover! I tried a few years ago to stop chasing so many of the latest, most-hyped books, but one can’t miss the ones you’ll love, right? Recently finished James—instant classic for me. Now a day or two from finishing the Ministry of Time—like you, find it a pleasurable read, though it won’t go on my desert island books list. I like to mix in some obscure, backroads reads, so next on my list is a novella by Estelle Hoy (recommended by another book-lover substacker—can’t recall who) and a Rage in Harlem by Chester Hines, a fav of Percival Everett.

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you always have the best taste and have so many good under the radar (at least to me) recs. Estelle was a books on gif rec right? He also finds the best stuff!

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Jun 29Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

So many incredible books here that are on my wishlist too! It's so hard not to be influenced by so many great reviewers on Substack 😅 But I feel like I'm getting better at picking out what actually sounds good to me and not just because I have FOMO.

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YES. That’s what I’m trying to do. I have to give you credit for inspiring me too, since you always seem to find such joy in everything you read and I want to feel the same

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Jun 29Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

The Familiar is also a deeply engrossing summer read if the mood strikes! It won't be out until the fall, but my most anticipated 2024 read is definitely the new Louise Erdrich.

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Ahh a new Erdrich! I had to read her in college and I think I need to give her another chance it got lost in the jumble of my 20 year old brain

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I can’t wait to read The God of the Woods! I have high expectations, especially since the last many books I read didn’t wow me at all. Favorite books of the year have been The Berry Pickers and The Frozen River (both 2023 releases). Here’s to a great 2nd half of 2024!!!

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Also The God of the Woods isn’t a phenomenal literary achievement but it’s excellent for what it is - a fast paced suspense with really solid writing and interesting characters

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Good to know. I can overlook the quality of the writing when the storyline has me fully captivated!

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Ahh berry pickers is one of those from 2023 got away from me!!

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Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Which Sally Rooney did you read before? I'm about to finish Normal People and am a little confused about all the hype around her 😅 I think my reading experience has suffered from having too high expectations... Intermezzo's plot sounds interesting to me though.

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Also read Normal People a few years back! I liked it but it didn’t speak to me the way I think it did for those a bit younger. I have been feeling too old for bookstagram lately 🫠

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Jun 29Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Well then, I'm definitely too old for bookstagram 🤣 Give me bookstack any day!

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Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I found out that Stephen King had a new short story collection called "You Like It Darker" and since starting it, I can't put it down. Especially before bed. I'm a sucker for his short stories and this collection has been stellar so far. Still working on Blue Sisters and it is still so good and getting even better.

I changed my mind about The Guest by Emma Cline. I was going to read it then I read a couple of bad reviews so I put it on ice. I feel like I need someone whose taste I deeply trust to get me to read it. The premise of the story seems blah and I have no patience for self sabotage in books.

Maddie's essay emotionally wrecked me. God. Bunnies and moms?! Waterworks.

Excited for your East of Eden review!! Also have The Winner on my list. The God Of The Woods sounds interesting.

Kitty said, "No work for you!!"

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ahh the King one is also near to my list for new books, but I already read The Stand this year so trying to spread the wealth so to speak.

I have heard SO many different things about The Guest that it makes me need to read it - i will report back asap

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I’m already hearing good things about Blue Sisters. I haven’t read anything by her but I’m intrigued! We shall see if it lands in my hands somehow.

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I would love for it to land in our hands somehow…! Lets manifest

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Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I identify with this post so much - overwhelmed by my TBR and really need to do a re-evaluation of what books I want to prioritize for the rest of the year. I'm still "catching up" on 2023 releases when I should probably just read North Woods ASAP and call the rest a wash!

I read Woodworm and highly recommend! It's short & creepy, you'll tear through it. And thanks for the heads up on the new Mariana Enriquez - I'm pre-ordering right after this.

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the overwhelm is so real! I desperately want to read some 2023 titles too - more than the ones I knocked off the 2024 list thats for sure. The more I read, the more I think North Woods might be one of my top ten reads of the decade... but the themes are totally my taste so fair warning you gotta like thinking about time and space to truly love it!

going to buy woodworm rn brb... :)

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Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I think (one of) my best books from this year is ‘Will and Testament’ ! Or ‘The Dark Side of Skin’ - was so impressed by both

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Ok I HAVE to get Will and Testament that one got lost in the shuffle

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Jun 28Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

You HAVE too. I’m ngl, I mentioned it to re remind you 😉

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My best book last year was The Guest by Emma Cline and this year so far it’s Help Wanted by Adelle Waldman

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ah The Guest is on my summer paperback TBR I gotta dive into that one

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My kitties have never felt compelled to sleep on my keyboard or laptop, so I always love seeing these pics from others because: FOMO!

I read Parable of the Sower earlier this year. Eerily, EERILY prescient. Or maybe it’s just timeless. Either way, it’s not to be missed.

I am always so very behind on my TBR list that I never really include books that are super recent. But I’m kind of intrigued by RuPaul’s memoir and also Griffin Dunne’s. Haven’t picked them up yet though and probably won’t for another year (ha!).

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Oh! Oh! Let’s read Kelly Link together someday.

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Yes!! I’m ready anytime after age of innocence ☺️

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Have you read her story "stone animals" ??? My favorite.

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I started one of her short story collections a LONG time ago and need to revisit! I hear that is where she excels

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Yeah. her short stories are like nobody else's. She has the most unique voice and her characters make the STRANGEST CHOICES. I love it.

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Jul 1Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

Also: I change my mind about my tbr all the time. I’m also currently reading Martyr! And it makes me mad how good it is 😭 I stopped in the middle of Cleo & Frank—I will go back to it someday. And help me get Sally Rooney; I find everything I’ve tried by her unreadable.

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This is my theory about Rooney: she embodies a sort of young adult malaise or ennui that is attractive now the way previous generations might have responded to angst or apathy. And she tends to include a very jumbled modern political-ness that is attractive to people finding themselves.

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Jul 1Liked by Natalie McGlocklin

I need to give her another try!! I feel like I'm resistant to her because I'm expecting it to be something it's not...if that makes sense. Which isn't a fair close reading practice!

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